Web development

  • 3D Integration

    Once upon a time, we used animated GIFs. Any 3D effect was calculated offsite, and baked into the image. But graphics hardware has progressed enormously in the last few years, and even the simplest of phones is capable of sophisticated 3D graphics. It's possible to provide your customers with an immersive experience, where they can see a realistic view of your product, and manipulate it in real time. We have experience in data formats, geometry and manipulation, texturing and rendering, and interactive displays.

    A case study

    Our customer had 3D models of his products, but wanted to be able to design them in an editor and then generate studio quality images of them without needing to spend hours setting up cameras and lighting. This required us to automate a lot of processes that would normally be done in professional 3D design tools. But our customer needed something that was adapted for the job and easy to use. We developed a system that analysed and prepared the 3D data, and also made extensive measurements to allow the editor to place items correctly. The editor itself was thus able to use intuitive measurements appropriate to the product, and also present a 3D view as the design progressed. We then prepared an automatic rendering system so that they could produce quality images without needing to know anything about the process.
